Create QR codes in bulk with our BULK QR Code generator

Sesuaikan Kode QR Anda
Anda dapat menyesuaikan template ini nanti agar cocok dengan merek Anda
Square pattern QR code
Round pattern QR code
Star pattern QR code
Rectangle pattern QR code
Oval pattern QR code
Horizontal pattern QR code
Vertical pattern QR code
Clover pattern QR code
Circle pattern QR code
Diamond pattern QR code
free qr code
Format keluaran untuk dicetak
Unduh kode QR massal sesuai keinginan Anda
Ukuran kertas
Silakan pilih

Tanpa Pemformatan
Individual QR code in a zip file
File zip
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Bulk QR Codes
What are bulk QR codes?

Bulk QR codes refer to a large number of QR codes that can be generated via a single CSV file upload.

What are some common uses for bulk QR codes?

Bulk QR codes can be used in various applications: marketing campaigns, product packaging, event tickets, inventory management, payments, among others.

How do I generate bulk QR codes?

Using QR TIGER, upload a CSV file containing up to 3,000 URLs. Our advanced Bulk QR Code generator tool will create a unique code for each data entry.

Can I customize bulk QR codes?

Yes, you can customize the pattern, eyes, color scheme, and frame of your QR codes. You can also use a template and upload an image or logo. You can also set the paper size and format or choose to download your codes in a zip file.

Can I track the performance of bulk QR codes?

Yes, your QR TIGER dashboard comes with tracking and analytics features that allow you to track the performance of your QR codes.